Beyond the folly

Clive Wilkinson, of Rothbury, muses on the life and times of an avian pal and the lessons to be learned for our own country lives…

There’s a pheasant that lives somewhere in the tangled hedge of ash, blackthorn and hawthorn, elder and bramble that marks the northern boundary to the field next door. We call him Charlie. He was there when we moved in, but as that was twenty-four years ago, and we don’t think pheasants live that long, we think it must be a dynasty, and he must be Charles XXIV.

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A fitting memorial

Derek Knox, of Longhorsley History Society, remembers the installation of a memorial to World War I airmen

In 2018 the local history society was contacted by the Airfields of Britain Conservation Trust to inform us that we would be receiving an Indian granite plaque to commemorate there being an airfield here in World War I.

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